About Leigh Woolard

My goal is to help your listeners understand how their thoughts, feelings and actions impact the results they have in any area of their life.

I spent many years struggling to grow a business, look after my health and be calm and present as a husband and father to 3 boys.

A diagnosis in 2019 of bone cancer set me off on exploring why I was getting results not in alignment with what I wanted in my health, relationships and wealth.

I have grown a successful coaching business helping business owners in the US, UK and Australia find revenue generation opportunities, use digital marketing for lead generation and the power of their thoughts and actions to create results they love.

I am based in the UK however 75% of my business is coaching American Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.

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I have been a business owner since 2006 working with global brands, entrepreneurs and business owners to help them transform their businesses online and themselves as individuals.

My personal journey fuels my passion for helping entrepreneurs and business owners.

Overcoming bone cancer taught me the power of what my thoughts were creating in my outside world. When I became clear and had a framework for knowing what I would love my life to look like, I was able to overcome challenges in the 3 areas of my life, Health, Relationships and Wealth (personal and business).

Now, I am on a mission to guide and support fellow business owners and entrepreneurs globally in creating a compelling vision for a business and life they would love and taking purposeful action to make it their reality.

Ideas For Episode Titles / Main Focus

Guest Tags

These tags represent the most frequently used topics from my appearances on various podcasts.

Business Coach

Business Owner

Business Growth

Growth Mindset

Keynote Speaker

Motivational Speaker

Online Business Owner

Personal Development



Online & Social